“Seven years of Soil Health Test Data have shown me that the principles Sustainable Settings employ have led to positively trending results. The active life in their soils, has gone up every year. 2020 results were the highest I’ve seen from any farm in the area I cover.”

- Derrick Wyle
Soil Conservationist, NRCS, USDA,
Glenwood Springs Field Office
Servicing  Eagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties

Pasture Renovation

Keylining & No-Till Drill Mountain Meadow

Pasture Renovation: We have revitalized this ranchland from industrial, chemical, extractive agricultural abuse with over-grazed compacted soils to a living tilth with upward trending scientific soil test data confirming that our Biodynamic methodology works. In the pastures we created deep narrow trenches along keylines with the Yeoman’s Keyline plow to build beneficial infrastructure to stimulate the herd underground. We’ve also reseeded diverse forage species with a no-till drill to build polycultured pastures that mimic mountain meadows, verses the conventional approach of tilling and planting a limited species hay crop. We then return our composted manures and leaf matter to the fields to sequester the carbon, nitrogen and other nutrients. Rotating our dairy herd on 1-2 day paddocks of fresh pasture we optimize the rich fertility they bring to the process. Keylining, rotational grazing, no-till methods, are just some of the regenerative strategies we utilize in building soil health.

It is our hope that the next stewards recognize the uphill effort we have put forth to heal this place and know that they are inheriting peak health and vitality in the soil. This is the core of the qualities and values that make this ranch a gem.

Management Intensive Grazing & Biodynamics

Management Intensive Grazing & Biodynamics: By mimicking Nature, for instance watching the cows on pasture and their habits, we have developed methods that co-create optimum benefits for all the collaborators in the system. We have learned to trust the cows not the corporations selling laboratory chemical cocktails. In our shift of intention we have found a much more responsive interaction in our stewardship. This shift, combined with good sound biodynamic and organic regenerative methodology, has encouraged the Soil Food Web of major and minor decomposers to spring to life in optimum performance generating a deeper vitality. 

By honoring All of the Life within Nature’s economy we gain in quality. This generates peak flavor and intensified nutrient density in our food and potency in our medicinal herbs that revitalize our health and recharge our immune systems. This can only come from the intimacy of our relationships with the life in the land. 


Peak Fertility


Turn-Key Operation